Monday, December 28, 2009

.: Home Defect Rectification Checklist :.

Below is the important list that need to rectify after picking-up the keys from the developers..You should check for defects immediately and fill-out a defect rectification form..

Credit to forum :)..Can check details here for the discussion..

Part 1 - What You Will Need

1) Marker Pen
2) Masking Tape
3) Measuring Tape
4) Spirit Level
5) Torch Light
6) Stool
7) Digital Camera

I) Marker Pen & Masking Tape

Use the Marker Pen and Masking Tape to mark out areas of concern so that contractors doing rectification work can easily spot trouble areas.

It helps because it's mystifying to figure out where the defects are from the description on the defect list to an actual flaw on the house.

You can also scribble notes and express your displeasure on the masking tape so there is no miscommunication.

II) Measuring Tape & Spirit Level

Use the Measuring Tape & Spirit Level to determine if there are any structural deviations with the room dimensions and walls. The sprit level also helps determine if doors and windows are properly vertical/horizontal. The spirit level also helps check walls and ceilings are horizontal and not slanted.

Trust me it's better than trying to visually confirm a slant with the naked eye.

III) Torch Light & Stool

A Torch Light and Stool is great for exploring nooks & crannies or highlighting those high out of reach places with masking tape. It’s also a lot easier to carry around a stool than a 7‘ft ladder.

IV) Digital Camera

Use a Digital Camera to document the defects with photographs, if there is any dispute or misunderstanding, this helps to demonstrate if defects have been fixed or overlooked by the contractor during rectification work.

Part 2 – Defect Checklist What to Look Out For

Now that you’ve got all your defect hunting tools together here is what to look out for

1) Walls and Ceiling
2) Tiles and Floor
3) Doors and Window
4) Miscellaneous Fixtures
5) Leaky Pipes

1) The Walls & Ceilings

I’m referring to all Wall and Ceiling surfaces.

I) Cracks, Wavy and Uneven Surface.
It's pretty common and you should be able to see it quite easily.

II) Holes and Chips.
Holes and Chips on walls and ceilings are also another common defect and can occur due to accidental knocks and bumps or poor quality of materials used.

Oh gawd chips everywhere and not the kind you can eat

III) Fungus and Water Marks.
It can happen due to piping leakage or roofing defects. On the top floor the ceiling is covered in ceiling boards make sure the boards are not damaged or dirty

IV) Others.
Lumps & Bubbles, Flaky Paint, Protruding Objects:- like nails, stray pipes, loose wiring & iron rods sticking out of walls and ceilings.

2) Tiles & Floor
The Tiles & Floor include kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, floor tiles and cornices.

Tiles - Missing/Cracked/Chipped/Slanting

Missing and damaged Tiles & Floor are easy to spot for defects. However it’s not easy to check for hollow tiles which are due too little plaster underneath.

The danger is the tiles can come off or crack if not remedied. Tap on tiles and if they sound hollow mark it out as a defect anyway and get the contractor to fix it.

Also make sure that the joints between the tiles are properly filled in with plaster. If you notice deep gaps make sure they fill it in.

3) Doors & Windows

Doors and Windows are fairly easy to check. Ensure that doors and windows easily open and unobstructed. Check for shoddy workmanship like missing screws, damage and rust.

Also ensure that everything is properly installed and there are no large gaps between the door and window frames. It's also a good time to check for water damage since windows not properly installed will leak during heavy downpour.

Check also that rubber seals for the windows are intact.

4) Miscellaneous Fixtures

Check the developer’s inventory list for missing fixtures and accessories. You’ll usually get a list of items that come with your home such as the number of electrical points, taps, sink, shower heads and etc.

Check the list thoroughly and make sure nothing is missing!

5) Leaking Pipes

Leaking Pipes are also easy to detect, check the exposed piping for leaks or walls where the pipes run through for water stains.

Query the developer on where the pipes in your unit are; in future it will help to prevent accidents due to accidental nailing or drilling. You don’t want to hang a picture frame and puncture a pipe all in one go.


  1. Fungus and associated problems are very scary.There could be mold growing under your wall and from there arises ill health and may also cause deaths.


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